Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Trump Calls Bush's 2003 Invasion of Iraq "Worst Decision in History of Our Country"

In an interview with the New York Post, President Donald Trump on Monday (May 4, 2020) called former President George W. Bush’s invasion of Iraq “the worst decision made in the history of our country.”

The paper quoted Trump as saying “...we spent $8 trillion in one of the worst decisions ever made to go into the Middle East, probably the worst decision made in the history of our country, going into the Middle East. Millions of people were killed on both sides...”

President Trump added “I would rate that as the worst decision made in the history of our country.”

The significance of these statements is that it came from another Republican president, and not from any of the Democratic presidents or candidates for president.

Neither former President Barack Obama nor former Vice-President Joe Biden who is currently running for president have made any such statements criticizing Bush's decision to invade Iraq in 2003, which was based on fraudulent claims of "weapons of mass destruction" and which killed, injured, and displaced millions of civilians and cost the US taxpayers trillions of dollars.  In addition, Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton who lost against Trump, also did not criticize Bush's war, which she and Biden both voted in the Senate to authorize Bush to launch the war in 2003.

Trump's latest criticism for the 2003 invasion debacle in which the Bush Administration dismantled all the security and defense institutions in Iraq and resulted in increase of terrorism and growth of terrorist groups like Al-Qaeda and ISIS and a civil war in Iraq, is remarkable for a Republican president. These statements come at a time when the U.S. is still facing threats to the country's interest in Iraq and the region, 17 years later, after the Bush invasion empowered Iran to control the Iraqi government and its resources and foment turmoil.

The interview with President Trump can be found here:

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