Saturday, March 18, 2023

20 Year Anniversary - How Bush Invaded Iraq Based on Lies and Handed the Country Over to Iran

March 17, 2023 -- Twenty years have passed and most people have forgotten the invasion of Iraq. It's ironic that now the world is condemning Russia and its leader Vladimir Putin for invading Ukraine, yet very little mention is made by world leaders of the same thing that George W. Bush did to Iraq twenty years earlier.

The 2003 illegal invasion of Iraq, which was essentially sold on a fraud (i.e. non-existent "weapons of mass destruction"), destroyed the nation and people of Iraq, killing more than one million people, displacing millions of others, costing the American taxpayers over $2 trillion dollars, strengthened Iran which with its nuclear program and control of Iraq making it the greatest threat to peace in the region, and allowed terrorist threats like Al-Qaeda and ISIS, by ignoring efforts to fight it. 

It was not a case of "mistaken" intelligence as many would try to sell to defend these con-artist politicians who sold the war; rather it was a fraudulent act of deceiving the American people and the world at large to justify the disastrous killing and maiming of innocent people, destroying nation-states, causing terrorism to spread in a vacuum of power, and empowering nations like Iran to take over much of the Middle East (Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and Yemen) unhindered and with a nuclear program.

As a direct result of the Iraq invasion, terrorist groups like Al-Qaeda were ignored and as a result, its morphed into the monster that we now know as ISIS.  The irony is that now information is coming out that in fact, Iran which has given safe haven to and supported both terrorist groups Al-Qaeda and ISIS, to spread death and destruction in Syria and Iraq to further Iran's aims at controlling these two nations. 

Thanks to the Bush Administration, Iran now controls Iraq and Syria, and uses terrorist groups like Al-Qaeda and ISIS, along with its sectarian militia proxies to fight America and its interests in the region. 

And yet President Clinton was impeached for an extra-marital affair and President Trump for a phone call to a foreign leader about his political rival. Trump in fact may be arrested soon for the "hush money" issue. 

Yet the man who caused the deaths of over one million innocent people, spent over $2 trillion dollars of taxpayer funds, caused increase of terrorism, and all based on a fraud sold to the world, was never impeached or even held accountable by Congress or any attorney general or special prosecutor. 

So Putin can thank Bush for setting a precedence to illegally invade a sovereign nation based on fabricated claims of "national security threats."

Ironic on how Bush actually mentioned how one man decided to "launch a wholly unjustified and brutal invasion of Iraq" when referring to Ukraine...listen here to his Freudian slip...

In addition to destroying Iraq, causing the deaths of over a million innocent Iraqis, and squandering trillions of US taxpayer dollars, on top of that, Bush handed control of Iraq to Iran.

Read how How Iran Won the U.S. War in Iraq

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